MM News

What's the Weekend Deal?
Each weekend through the end of the year we are offering select MM parts at a discount, plus free Ground UPS shipping within the 48 states (excludes roll bars) on orders containing weekend deal products, even when the order total is below the regular $147 free shipping threshold.

When does the Weekend Deal pricing begin?
Friday night at midnight.

When does it end?
Sunday night at midnight.

What's offered on the Deal?
You'll have to check during the hours of the Weekend Deal. You can do so by clicking on the Weekend Deal icon on our home page:
Click on this icon from the home page

I just checked your home page, and I don't see that icon; what's up?
If you don't see the Weekend Deal icon among the product categories, you are either too early or too late for this weekend's Deal. Try again on the weekend.

Are there any other conditions for the Weekend Deal?
Yes, here're the things to keep in mind:

  • The Weekend Deal starts Friday night at midnight and ends at midnight Sunday night (Pacific Time). If you don't see the icon or any items on our Weekend Deal page, you're either too early or too late.
  • Web-orders only. No phone orders on Weekend Deal items.
  • Payment only by credit/debit card, PayPal, or MM Gift Certificate, charged within 24 hours of sale end.
  • No will-call or in-store pick-up.
  • Weekend Deal items will be shipped in the same sequence we received the orders, but may not ship for some time after the end of the sale depending on product availability. (If so, we'll email you the expected ship date.)
  • All items will be shipped complete as soon as possible. Sorry, we can't hold Weekend Deal items for later shipment, and backordered items will ship separately.
  • You may cancel your order within 24 hours of emailed notification of shipping date without a 10% cancellation charge (if the item hasn't shipped yet).